domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Chamaecereus silvestrii_2

Chamaelobivia 02


Os cactus coñecidos como Chamaelobivia son híbridos obtidos polo cruzamento da especie Chamaecereus silvestrii con outras especies do xénero Lobivia. Son especies propias das montañas andinas, de áreas con clima suave, con variacións estacionais de temperatura. Necesitan frío para manter o seu descanso estacional e, polo tanto, estimular a floración primaveral. Crecen mellor nun ambiente fresco e húmido. O sustrato debe ser regado pero débese deixar secar parcialmente antes de volver regar. No inverno evitar o exceso de humidade e regar con menor frecuencia. Fertilizar ao chegar a primavera para axudar a desarrolar a planta e a súa floración. Use fertilizantes minerais, non orgánicos. Temperatura -5ºC (ocasional) / 35ºC (óptimo de 20ºC ata 25ºC). Luz: sol. Rega: Media. Floración: de abril a setembro (óptimo de maio a xuño). Exposición: ao aire libre ou en interior moi iluminado.


Los cactus conocidos como Chamaelobivia son híbridos generados por cruce de la especie de Chamaecereus silvestrii con otras especies del género Lobivia. Son nativos de las montañas andinas, en áreas de clima suave, con variaciones estacionales de temperatura. Necesitan frío para mantener su descanso estacional y, por lo tanto, estimular la floración primaveral. Crecen mejor en un ambiente fresco y húmedo. El sustrato debe ser regado y se debe dejar secar parcialmente antes de volver a regar. En invierno evitar el exceso de humedad y regar con menor frecuencia. Fertilizar al llegar la primavera para ayudar a desarrolar las planta y su floración. Use fertilizantes minerales, no orgánicos. Temperatura -5ºC (ocasional) / 35ºC (óptimo de 20ºC hasta 25ºC). Luz: sol. Riego: Medio. Floración: de abril a septiembre (óptimo de mayo a junio). Exposición: al aire libre o en interior muy iluminado.


The cacti known as Chamaelobivia are hybrids produced by crossbreeding Chamaecereus silvestrii species with other species of the Lobivia genus. They are native to Andean Mountains, in mild climate areas, with seasonal temperature variations. They need cold to support their seasonal rest and, therefore, promote spring blooming. They grow in a humid, cool environment. Substrate must be watered and partially dried. In winter avoid humidity excess and water them less often. Fertilize them before spring blooming. Use mineral, not organic fertilizer. Temperature -5ºC (occasional) / 35ºC (optimum 20ºC up to 25ºC). Light: Sun. Watering: Medium. Blooming: from April to September (optimum from may to june). Exposure: outdoors or highly lit indoors.


Os cactos conhecidos como Chamaelobivia são híbridos gerados pelo cruzamento da espécie Chamaecereus silvestrii com outras espécies do gênero Lobivia. Eles são nativos das montanhas andinas, em áreas de clima ameno, com variações sazonais de temperatura. Eles precisam de frio para manter seu descanso sazonal e, portanto, estimular a floração da primavera. Eles crescem melhor em um ambiente fresco e úmido. O substrato deve ser regado mas deve secar parcialmente antes de voltar a regar. No inverno, evite o excesso de umidade e regar com menor freqüência. Fertilizar: quando a primavera chega ajudando a desenvolver a planta e a sua floração. Use fertilizantes minerais, não orgânicos. Temperatura: -5ºC (ocasional) / 35ºC (ótima de 20ºC a 25ºC). Luz: sol. Rega: Média. Floração: de abril a setembro (ótimo de maio a junho). Exposição: ao ar livre ou no interior muito iluminado.


Les cactus appelés Chamaelobivia sont des hybrides produits par croisement de las espèce Chamaecereus silvestrii avec d'autres espèces du genre Lobivia. Ils sont originaires des montagnes andines, dans des zones de climat doux, avec des variations saisonnières de température. Ils ont besoin de froid pour maintenir leur repos saisonnier et, par conséquent, stimuler la floraison printanière. Ils poussent mieux dans un environnement frais et humide. Le substrat doit être arrosé et doit être laissé sécher partiellement avant de ré-arroser. En hiver, évitez l'excès d'humidité et arrosez moins souvent. Fertiliser: lorsque le printemps arrive pour aider à développer la plante et sa floraison. Utilisez des engrais minéraux, non organiques. Température: -5ºC (occasionnelle) / 35ºC, (optimum de 20ºC à 25ºC). Lumière: soleil. Arrosage: moyen. Floraison: d'avril à septembre (optimale de mai à juin). Exposition: à l'extérieur ou à l'intérieur très éclairé.

CHAMAELOBIVIA (extended text)


The cacti known as Chamaelobivia are hybrids produced by crossbreeding the species Chamaecereus silvestrii with other species of the Lobivia genus. For this reason each hybrid differs from another due to the species of Lobivia used in the hybridization. These cacti consist of grouped finger-shaped stems covered by oval or spherical sprouts but, over time, the whole set looks like a beautiful coral. Their ancestors are cacti from the Yunga, an ecosystem extended by the Andean mountain ranges, with a gentle climate and used to seasonal humidity and temperature variations. They are native to stony mountain areas, where weeds do not grow in dry season and the wet season rainwater drains under the stones.


Grow them in well-lit spots or in full sun. Avoid growing them in a poorly lit environment in order that they look good. Do not interrupt their winter rest with heating.


They grow well at close to 20º / 25ºC. They can tolerate low winter temperatures and occasional light freezing, down to -5ºC, depending on the variety. Winter moderate cold temperatures from 7ºC to 10ºC promote their blooming in spring. Avoid growing them in chilly or cold spots in winter in order to support their seasonal rest. Avoid excessive sun exposure and do not overheat the pots in summer.

Humidity and watering

Create a fresh humid environment, avoiding too dry, hot or poorly ventilated spots. Ideal for outdoor, terraces and windows. Avoid puddling the substrate due to continuous rain. Let the substrate partially dry between waterings. Do not water humid substrate. In winter avoid humidity excess by decreasing watering frequency or avoiding it in case of extreme cold. Avoid watering when the substrate is hot !!!


It takes place in spring. Fertilize slightly to promote flowering and plant growth. There is a wide variety of colours as well as flower and stem shapes, which make them ideal as plants collection.


They prefer stony substrate (gravel from 5mm to 15 mm in diameter, not less)(avoid clayed or sandy soil). Add peat. The final mix must help drainage. Replace substrate every two years. There are many possible substrate mixtures to grow the Chamaelobivia, each one is suitable according to the growing conditions. An easy mix could be this: 25% black peat, 25% blonde peat, 25% gravel 5 mm and 25% gravel 15 mm. Porous volcanic gravel is widely used.


They need little fertilizer and use not very rich nitrogen fertilizer. Avoid manure or highly concentrated organic matter.


They prefer small pots with little substrate so that they can be watered and prevent puddling. Decrease watering if pots are big since roots need plenty of airflow.


Remove them as soon as noticed, as they grow rapidly. You can use tweezers to remove them.

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